
Introduction (noun):  1) Something that introduces, as a part of a book or treatise preliminary to the main portion; 2) The act or process of introducing.

Hello.  That seems like a fitting first word in a conversation.  When people ask me how to talk to someone who uses a wheelchair (like we’re our own special breed who needs a special language) I often reply that a simple smile and friendly “hello” will do the trick.

This is the first of what I hope will be many attempts at a conversation.  While you may read my “voice” on this page, I hope that you will take the time to respond and ask questions.  True dialogue requires both a sender and a receiver for the message to be developed.

First a bit about me – after all, this is supposed to be an introduction.  Who am I?  I am an advocate, a sister, a daughter, a loyal friend, an optimist, a crocheter, a musician, a licensed speech-language pathologist, a volunteer, a 40 year old spinster-in-the-making, a baker and a writer.  There, I said it.  I am a writer.

For years I have wanted to be a writer.  I have written – guest blog posts, memoir essays for a writing class, communications for work, speeches, presentations, letters and journals.  But I never gave myself the label, allowed myself to profess what it is I really want to be.  Things changed last year when I turned 40.  ‘Everyone’ says that happens.  Sometimes ‘everyone’ is right.  The law of averages has to give ‘everyone’ the benefit of the doubt occasionally.

So, now I am going to put into practice what I have pictured in my head.  I am going to use this platform to share my writing with you.  Hopefully, you’ll read it and find something that resonates with you.  If you do, please engage in the conversation by posting a response or sharing this with others.

Since I have many interests, there will most likely be posts about several subjects.  Of course I will write about disability, at least, my experience with it.  However, it has never been my intention to write a “disability blog.”  There are many who do that, and they do it well.  I am a person first, a woman who happens to have a disability not a disabled woman.  As such, I will also write about sisterhood, friendship, relationships, music, generally the musings of a 40 year old spinster-in-the-making.  You can help determine the path of the conversation through your responses and comments.

I can’t promise to be politically correct.  I do promise to be honest.  I can’t promise to conform to stereotypes.  I do promise to be open to opinions different from mine.  I can’t promise to accept the status quo.  I do promise to be respectful and polite.  At least, as polite as I can be for someone who is regularly far too free with her words when she should just keep her mouth shut.

Thank you for coming on the journey with me, for letting me be what, until now, I have been too scared to be.  I am a writer.

15 thoughts on “Introduction

  1. Love your introduction, but I have to ask – does anyone (besides you) actually use the word spinster any more? It feels so Jane Austen era-ish… of course, I love her work so that could be a good sign for you! Looking forward to future posts! ~Kathy


  2. I also really like the intro. The bit about how to start a conversation with someone in a wheelchair is important. I get that question a lot at work, because people feel so awkward with it. Spinster? 40 is the new 25! Welcome to the decade of “I don’t give a s—!” Spinster depicts a woman who stays at home and pursues no outside interests. You’re the opposite! Pick a different word, because spinster is very negative from old world culture. Please get to work on a different word and obliterate the word spinster from the blog. You are a vibrant piece of light! You need a word to reflect that.


    • I knew there would be those who disagreed with that word. I’m not pining away for someone as the spinsters of a century ago may have. I’m quite content to hibernate with my tea and crochet more than others may realize. I don’t view myself as “washed up” or beyond my prime, so I hear you Marcy.


  3. I like that you don’t plan to write a disability blog and that you plan to focus on all the other things that you are or roles that you play in your every day life. I don’t know how I feel about spinster. I don’t see you as a spinster in the making and that is even with the long conversations that you and I have had about your love of having a Sunday afternoon of PBS, wine and yarn. I look forward to reading more blogs.


  4. I smiled the whole time. Perfect Blog D…..the blog is you to a T. I look forward to more. Just because individuals are in a wheelchair doesn’t mean they don’t have a brain! A very intelligent brain. You are living proof of this! Rock it and good luck.


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